Friday, September 27, 2013

30 Random Facts About Me ♫・*:.。. .。.:*

Ayooooo everyone! *

I just finished my last exam yesterday evening and wow what a relief!! So, I decided to do something more random and fun to write!

Which is the “30 Random Facts About Me”! °˖✧◝(▿⁰)◜✧˖°

I really don’t know how many people would actually find this entertaining but I know for sure that some people (including some of my close friends) do visit my blog so, it might be good to know more about me.

Let’s get STARTED!!

1. I’m a mix of Welsh, Irish, Thai, British and Scottish.  & some people on instagram have even asked me if I’m Japanese or American. Well, I guess my look confuses people sometimes.

2. I love depressing, emotional, tragic anime series including the ones in the genre of horror, suspense and action. I do enjoy funny & cute anime every once in a while but, I loooove dark dark anime! Ex. every season of Higurashi (the OVAs are nice too), Another, Guilty Crown, Madoka Magica, Elfen Lied, etc.

3. My celebrity women crushes are Dannie Riel, Cher Lloyd and Ariana Grande.

รูปสวย น่ารัก glitter emoticon

4. Sailormoon was my childhood obsession.

5. I started putting makeup on when I was 15 and I started off with pencil eyeliner.

6. I used to haaaaate putting makeup on my face when I was little.

7. I tried to be an emo kid once...never again!!! LOL

8. I was a genius at math until 8th grade, and then it went downhill after that.

9. I’ll admit it, I sucked at studying when I was in High School, and mainly because I just didn’t care! I would not do my homework and then I would lie about forgetting it at home or even skip class to sleep in the nurse’s office. The only classes I was good at were Thai, dance and art. I know, I was very bad because my teachers would say something like “You’re not stupid, you just don’t care!” and I regretted it so much (ノД`)・゜・。that’s why I always try my best at everything when I started college and now I’m working towards an honor roll.

10. I love the smell of the rain. Mmmmmm, so relaxing. (◡‿◡✿)

11.  I have one scar on my right eyebrow and another one top-left of my forehead. (Scarface swag. LOL.)

12. I’ve never seen real snow in my life. (well, hopefully I’ll get to see it soon)

13. I got about 500+ hours of gameplay on Skyrim. (I'm a Skyrim veteran lol)

14.Ariel is my favorite Disney princess.

15. I loooove coca cola! (Pepsi is fine too)

16. I’m obsessed with makeup that has cute/fancy packaging! If it looks cute and nice quality, I’ll buy it. (‘^)

17. My most favorite desserts are tiramisu, macaron and flan.

18. I totally suck at bargaining...I just can’t!! (╥_╥)

19. My group of friends at uni thinks I look like a squirrel.  

20. I have 4 dogs at home, a husky, golden retriever, shitzu and long coated chihuahua! and I love them dearly.

21. I am extremely awkward and shy when I’m surrounded by new people or people that I don’t really talk to. Sometimes I come off as very quiet and/or arrogant but mainly it’s because I feel so awkward that I automatically shut myself off from people. Unless they talk to me first, I’m not going to talk to them…’cause I feel so awkward and I don’t know if they’re going to enjoy having a  conversation with me!!!! ;______;

22. I’m terrified of clowns. Like, I’m pretty ok when I see pictures of them, but seeing a real clown in person would freak me out so bad.

23. I enjoy putting on makeup but, I don’t really like to do my hair…And when I do, I’m not that great at it.

24. I can eat Japanese food every day of the month and never get bored of it. (*≧ω≦)

25. I’ve been a huge fan of videogames since I was little.

26. As much as I’ve tried to look sexy, I just can’t. (Red lipsticks did not help either, I’ve tried.)

27. I can be very self-conscious and often feel like I can’t be as pretty as other girls.

28. I’m obsessed with America’s Next Top Model.

29. I don’t usually drink coffee, but when I do, I go with iced mocha.

30. I’m the only one in my family that eats beef.

Can you relate to any of these? 

Thank you for reading this post and I hope I’ll be seeing you again soon!

-NamiWanko ('・ω・´)


  1. Bahaha the blog is too funny :P Love you baby

  2. That's really interesting to be mixed with so many nice cultures ^^
    Hi 5 on number 4..I actually still love sailor moon now and can't wait for the remake to be released ^^
    I also LOVE COCACOLA with ice though ^^ Used to drink it a can a day XD
    And wow really? Beef is so delicious XD

    恵美より ♥

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Emi!
      Looks like we can relate on quite a few things! :3
      I can't wait for the Sailormoon remake! been hearing about it since last year and still waiting. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait!
      And yes! beef is delicious! ♥

  3. omg haha we have a lot in commmon! I used to try so hard in maths back in year 8 HAHAH and then i just gave up :P The first make up product that i used was pencil eyeliner too because gel and liquid liner weren't that popular back then~
    Hehe~ Great to get to know you better!


    1. Thank you for your lovely comment! and yes, I remember having only ONE beauty related product which was my pencil eyeliner! for years! I didn't start using powder and blush till I was about 16 and started using skin care when I was 19. xD haha.
      May be you should do this 30 random facts tag too! :3 It's pretty fun!
