Saturday, October 5, 2013

Majolica Majorca Lash King mascara and Lash Jelly Drop serum.♫・*:.。. .。.:*

Hello lovelies!!! I know it’s been a while since I really blog about anything and I’m so sorryyyy! 

I ordered some new makeup related products...
& unfortunately, they’re pretty delayed on the delivery.
But!! Since I just bought new Majolica Majorca Lash King mascara since I ran out of my old one and I gotta say this mascara is on top of the list for me. So, today I will be reviewing my favorite mascara from Majolica Majorca. (In case you haven’t noticed already, I have an obsession with Majolica! Haha)

Let’s start off with Lash King!

I love MM’s logo♥

Close up

If you look closely you can see the little fibers and these help built your lashes to be longer.
I like my lashes separated, thick, and long (in other words a lil “fake looking” LOL)
My lashes are already pretty long and this mascara helps them look even longer!! Love it.
(& of course you can build it up)

And now onto the Lash Jelly Drop!

This one is a serum is kind of like a moisturizer for your lashes to keep them healthy & also to prevent some damages from all the curling and your mascara.
It’s a clear jell and you put it on your lashes before curling them or before putting on your mascara.

rubber applicator

Before & After! (w/ Lash Jelly Drop)

If you look from afar it the lashes don’t appear too fake-looking but they’re definitely noticeable.

I loooove Majolica’s mascaras and this one is my absolute favorite from this brand. The Lash Jelly Drop serum works pretty well and keeps my lashes from becoming too hard after putting on this mascara. The only thing I don’t like is that once you put the serum on, my eyelashes starts to tilt down and it became a little bit harder to curl. BUT! Overall I’m pretty happy with the serum, as long as it keeps my lashes healthy

What's your favorite mascara? (◕‿◕✿)

I hope my package arrives soon so, I can do a haul and a review on them!! I’m so excited but I really don’t like waiting, hahaha.

Thank you so much for reading this post and I hope to see you again soon!!

-NamiWanko ('・ω・´)


  1. Eee, I've heard so much about this mascara!~ I currently use the KMHM one, which is apparently reallyreally similar in effects. xD BUt I'd love to try this one! 8D Thanks for the review! <33 (And for the nice comment on my bloggie, hehe <3)

    1. Thank you for your comment June!
      I've heard good things about the KMHM one also!! maybe I should give that a go! :D

  2. Thanks for the review! I've always had a hard time finding a good mascara. Also, I', so lazy to put mascara on lol. I like the effects of the first mascara (Majolica). Where do you typically find it? Great review BTW:-)

    1. Thank you for your kind words Amy! I buy my Majolica products at Watsons! I find this brand to be the cutest drugstore makeup brand with really nice quality. :)

  3. oooh~ You're lashes look amazing! They make your eyelashes soo long.
    I'm always getting told how great this mascara works and now i really want to try it heheh!
    I'm following you now! Do you want to follow back :D


    1. Yes! I've been using their mascaras for many years and they're absolutely my fav! :)
      And thank you for the follow! >_< I'll check out your blog and follow back! :D
